Catfish are an interesting species of fish that have been known to live in a variety of different environments, including out of water. But how long can catfish survive without access to a source of water?
This article seeks to answer this question by exploring the factors that influence the longevity of catfish when out of water.

How Long Can A Catfish Live Out Of Water?
A catfish can survive out of water for a few hours but must be kept moist and cool. Prolonged exposure to air can quickly lead to dehydration and death.
Few study found that catfish can live out of water for up to 15 to 18 hours if it is kept moist. If the catfish is allowed to dry out, it will die within hours.
It is vital to keep the fish moist by spraying it with water or placing it in a water bowl every few hours.
If a catfish is out of water for an extended period, the scales will dry and flake off, the skin will wrinkle and the fish will eventually die.
How Do Catfish Survive and Breathe Out of Water
Labyrinth Organ
The labyrinth organ is a specialized structure found in the inner ear of fish and some amphibians. It helps the animal maintain balance and orientation by detecting changes in head position and movement.
The labyrinth organ contains sensory hair cells that detect movement and send signals to the brain through the vestibular nerve.
Some species of catfish have a labyrinth organ, also known as a suprabranchial organ, which is a specialized organ that allows them to extract oxygen from the air.
This adaptation allows catfish to survive in environments where the oxygen levels in the water are low, such as in stagnant ponds or swamps.
The labyrinth organ is a maze-like structure located above the gills, and it is lined with blood vessels that extract oxygen from the air.
This organ allows catfish to extract oxygen from the air when the oxygen levels in the water are low, and also, it allows them to survive in low oxygen environments.
Not all catfish species have a labyrinth organ, and it’s mainly found in species that live in oxygen-poor environments.
Catfish that live in fast-moving water or environments with high oxygen levels do not typically have a labyrinth organ.
Cutaneous Respiration
Some species of catfish also have the ability to extract oxygen through their skin and the lining of their mouth. This is known as cutaneous respiration.
This adaptation allows catfish to survive in environments where the oxygen levels in the water are low, such as in stagnant ponds or swamps.
It’s worth noting that cutaneous respiration is not as efficient as gill respiration, and catfish primarily rely on their gills for oxygen uptake.
The ability to extract oxygen through the skin can also be affected by factors such as water temperature and pH.
Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that the water temperature and pH are suitable for catfish and that the oxygen levels in the water are adequate for their survival.
Best Ways To Keep Catfish Alive After Catching Them
There are several ways to keep catfish alive after catching them:
-Keep the fish in a live well or aerated cooler. This will ensure that the fish have enough oxygen to survive.
-Keep the water in the live well or cooler cool. Catfish prefer water that is around 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
-Avoid overcrowding the live well or cooler. This can cause stress on the fish and reduce their chances of survival.
-Keep the fish in the shade, as exposure to direct sunlight can cause the water to become too warm.
-If you will not release the catfish immediately, you can use a wet burlap or wet towel to cover the fish. This will help to keep the catfish cool and moist.
Consider using a fish-saver device to help keep the fish alive and healthy while it is out of the water.
-If you’re going to keep the fish for a while, and especially if you’re going to transport it, place it in an insulated container with ice packs to keep it cool.
Remember, if you’re not going to keep the catfish, it’s best to release it back into the water as soon as possible to reduce stress and increase chances of survival.
Factors that Influence the Longevity of Catfish When Out of Water
When a catfish is out of water, several factors can influence its longevity. These include:
Air temperature: High temperatures can cause the catfish to become stressed, which can shorten its lifespan.
Humidity: Low humidity can cause the catfish to become dehydrated and shorten its lifespan.
Access to oxygen: A catfish will quickly suffocate if it doesn’t have access to oxygen, so it is essential to ensure enough oxygen to survive.
Stress: Stress can shorten the lifespan of a catfish, so it is important to minimize stress as much as possible.
Size of the fish: Larger catfish can survive out of water for longer than smaller ones.
The species of catfish: Different species have different abilities to survive out of water
The time that passed since the fish was caught: The longer the time passed since the fish was caught, the less time it will survive out of water.
How Long Does A Catfish Live In Mud?
Catfish can live in mud for a very long time, as long as they have adequate oxygen, food, and suitable water conditions.
It is important to note that while catfish can survive for long periods of time in mud, they may not thrive in these conditions.
A lack of oxygen and food and poor water quality can shorten the lifespan of catfish. Additionally, catfish that live in mud may be more susceptible to disease and parasites.
Therefore, if you’re planning to keep catfish in mud, it’s essential to monitor water quality, provide adequate oxygen, and ensure that they have access to food.
Can catfish breathe out of water?
No, catfish cannot breathe out of water. They have gills that extract oxygen from water, and they are not able to extract oxygen from the air. If a catfish is removed from the water and exposed to air, it will quickly suffocate and die.
It’s worth noting that some fish, such as lungfish and mudskippers, have evolved the ability to extract oxygen from the air, but catfish do not have this ability. They have to have water to survive.
How long can a catfish live without food?
The length of time a catfish can survive without food can vary depending on the species and the specific conditions in which it is living.
Generally speaking, catfish are able to survive for longer periods without food than many other fish species due to their ability to store energy.
However, it is not recommended to keep catfish without food for an extended period of time as it can lead to malnourishment and a lower immunity to diseases.
Most catfish species can survive for several weeks without food, but it’s not recommended to keep them without food for more than a week.
It’s important to note that the length of time a catfish can survive without food also depends on the size of the fish, the water temperature, the oxygen level, and whether they are in a dormant state.
Larger fish can survive longer without food than smaller fish, and fish that are in a dormant state can survive longer without food than fish that are active.
How long can a catfish be kept on ice?
The length of time a catfish can be kept on ice will depend on several factors, including the condition of the fish when it was caught, the temperature of the ice, and the amount of ice used to keep the fish cold.
In general, it’s best to keep the fish on ice as soon as possible after it is caught. This will help to preserve the fish’s quality and prolong its shelf life. If kept on ice, catfish can be kept fresh for several days.
However, it’s important to use enough ice to keep the fish cold, as well as to change the ice frequently. The ideal temperature for storing fish on ice is between 32-34°F (0-1°C).
It’s also worth noting that the longer a fish is kept on ice, the more the quality of the fish will deteriorate.
The meat will become softer and less flavorful, and the texture will change. Therefore, it’s best to use or process the fish as soon as possible after it is caught.
If you’re planning to keep catfish for a long time, it’s best to consider freezing them. Properly frozen fish can be stored for several months in a home freezer, but the quality will deteriorate over time.
How long does a catfish live?
The lifespan of a catfish varies depending on the species, but most species of catfish live for 5-15 years in the wild. Some larger species of catfish, such as the Wels catfish, can live for 20-30 years.
The lifespan of captive catfish can be shorter than those in the wild due to less optimal living conditions and poor water quality.
Can catfish live in stagnant water?
Yes, some species of catfish can live in stagnant water. Many catfish are adapted to low oxygen environments and are able to survive in stagnant water where oxygen levels are low.
However, long-term exposure to stagnant water can impact the health and survival of catfish and other aquatic species. To thrive, catfish typically require a source of fresh, clean water with adequate oxygen levels.
Can a catfish survive in a bucket?
A catfish can survive for a short period of time in a bucket, but it is not a suitable long-term living environment. A bucket does not provide the necessary water volume, filtration, aeration, and temperature control that catfish need to thrive.
Over time, the water quality will degrade, leading to poor health and potentially death for the fish. If you want to keep catfish, it is best to provide them with a proper aquarium or pond setup.
Can catfish live in the mud?
Yes, some species of catfish are known to burrow into mud or sand at the bottom of bodies of water to hide and protect themselves from predators. They are also able to obtain oxygen through their skin and gills while in the mud.
However, this is not a permanent living environment for catfish, and they still require access to fresh water with adequate oxygen levels to survive long-term.
What is the ideal temperature for Catfish?
The ideal temperature for catfish depends on the species, but most catfish thrive in water temperatures ranging from 68-82°F (20-28°C). Some species of catfish, such as channel catfish, are able to tolerate a wider range of temperatures and can survive in waters as cold as 60°F (15.5°C) or as warm as 90°F (32°C).
It’s important to research the specific temperature requirements for the species of catfish you are keeping and maintain the water temperature within that range for optimal health and survival.
Can a catfish walk on land?
No, catfish are not able to walk on land as they are adapted for life in the water. They lack the anatomy and adaptations necessary for movement on land, such as limbs and a streamlined body.
However, some species of catfish, such as the walking catfish, are capable of short-distance travel over land by flopping and wriggling their bodies, but they require moisture to survive and must return to water soon.