When it comes to keeping freshwater fish as pets, one of the most popular choices for many people is the catfish.
Catfish come in various shapes and sizes, making them an excellent option for anyone looking for an exciting pet fish.
In addition, they are relatively easy to care for and can be kept in various aquarium sizes.
Despite their popularity, however, there are some things to remember if you are considering maintaining catfish as pets.
First and foremost, catfish require a lot of space, especially when they are adults. So if you don’t have a lot of room in your home for an aquarium, catfish may not be the best choice for you.
Another thing to consider is that catfish can be messy eaters and often produce a lot of waste.

Catfish As A Pet
Which of the more than 2,000 species of catfish can be kept in an aquarium? It is advisable to pick a dish that does not grow too large, no more than a few feet (less than a meter) in length.
Catfish belonging to the genus Corydoras are perhaps the most popular pets. Corys are tiny fish. Between 1 and 3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 cm) in length.
They are armor-plated freshwater fish indigenous to the rivers and streams of South America. Catfish in the wild migrate in huge schools or groups.
Therefore, you need to maintain at least four catfish in your aquarium. These fish are docile and unlikely to engage in combat with other fish in a communal aquarium. (Their defensive spines prevent other fish from attacking them)
Although catfish are scavengers, they do not consume fish faeces. They will only consume food leftovers that settle to the tank’s bottom.
Catfish cannot survive on leftovers alone. (Smoothen gravel or sand is an excellent idea since they may hurt themselves on sharp pebbles when digging for food.)
Like all other fish, they need a diet rich in essential elements. Give them food that will sink, like pellets that sink.
They will not swim to the surface to seek food. Catfish are beneficial to a community aquarium since they aid with tank maintenance.
However, the water must be changed often.
Setting Up The Aquarium For A Catfish
When setting up an aquarium for a catfish, there are a few more things to consider beyond tank size and water quality. First, it’s essential to choose a substrate that caters to the species of catfish you’ll be keeping.
Sand and fine gravel are usually the best options as they won’t scratch the catfish’s skin, and allow the fish to sift through the sediment for food. Additionally, catfish are bottom-dwelling creatures, so consider adding flat rocks or individual slate tiles to create areas for them to rest and explore.
When decorating the aquarium, it’s essential to avoid sharp or pointed decorations as they can harm a catfish’s delicate skin. Caves, PVC pipe, and driftwood are ideal hiding places that can be easily cleaned.
Live plants like java ferns, hornwort, and java moss are also excellent additions as they help absorb nitrates, provide oxygen, and create more hiding spots.
Catfish are also very susceptible to stress when their environment changes frequently, so keeping the tank’s conditions as stable as possible is essential. Avoid direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations by using a reliable heater to maintain a consistent temperature.
Overall, choosing appropriate decorations, a suitable substrate, and a stable and consistent environment are essential steps in setting up an ideal aquarium for catfish.
Catfish Varieties That Can Be Kept as Pets
- Cory catfish
- Otocinclus Catfish
- Glass Catfish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Pictus Catfish
- Striped Raphael Catfish
- Upside Down Catfish
- Bumblebee Catfish
How to Choose a Catfish As A Pet?
Choose carefully while selecting a species of catfish for your aquarium. The following guides the most suitable catfish species for home aquariums. The mature size of a catfish is crucial for ensuring its happiness throughout its lifetime.
When all fish begin at the same size, it might not be easy to imagine their potential growth, and not all pet retailers give this information. Even selecting a docile plecostomus may be difficult, as some species reach a maximum length of 8 inches, while others can reach several feet in length.
And although some catfish, such as Corydoras species, are placid bottom scavengers that may be mixed with other little fish, others, such as the Redtail Catfish, are predators who will devour any fish.
That fits in their jaws! You must research beforehand to ensure that the catfish you want to bring home will fit in your aquarium, depending on its size and the other species you currently have. If you cannot confirm that the species you are seeing is accurate, do not purchase it.
Tips For Keeping Catfish As a Pet?
Catfish are primarily bottom-dwellers. Catfishes use their barbels to look for food buried in the substrate, even though they swim in the mid-water column.
In addition, their barbels are filled with taste receptors, continually searching for delectable morsels. Keeping this in mind, your catfish will need access to the substrate.
Most aquarium configurations are suitable for catfish, except for thickly planted tanks. Catfish may quickly get disoriented and entangled in dense vegetation.
The substrate type for catfish should be somewhat acceptable. Standard aquarium gravel to medium sand is a suitable substrate for most catfish.
Larger rocks may be rugged for smaller catfish, and it has been observed that more enormous catfish consume rocks.
Some species, such as plecos, prefer to chew on softer wood. When adding wood to an aquarium, ensure that it is aquarium-safe. Certain types of wood may leach harmful chemicals into the aquarium water.
Contrary to popular belief, catfish are omnivores, with some leaning more towards herbivory and others towards carnivory.
Remember that there are around 3000 species of catfish. Do not anticipate most catfish to remove algae from your aquarium. In most freshwater systems, algae must be controlled by restricting its nutrition supply.
Like all other fish species, catfish need clean water and a balanced diet for optimal health. Remember that not all catfish like algae, so constantly feed them. Most tropical fish diets are suitable for catfish in mixed-species aquariums.
If you have catfish in your aquarium, you may choose a diet from the vegetarian or carnivore spectrum.
Catfish often forage throughout the day, so anticipate consuming a portion of whatever you give them. Even with catfish repairs, you must continue with your regular upkeep program.
However, certain catfish species are nocturnal feeders, so you may need to feed the aquarium when the lights go off at night.
Health Concerns To Watch Out For
When keeping a catfish as a pet, there are several health concerns to watch out for. In addition to overfeeding and poor water quality, catfish are also prone to skin and fin diseases. These diseases are often caused by poor water quality, overcrowding, or physical injuries. Symptoms of skin and fin diseases include red or irritated skin, split or frayed fins, and clamped fins. You should immediately isolate any infected fish to prevent the spread of disease to other tank mates.
Another common health issue with catfish is constipation. Constipation can cause bloating and difficulty swimming, and it is often caused by overfeeding or improper diet. Some catfish species require a more herbivorous diet, while others may prefer a more carnivorous diet. It’s important to research the specific dietary needs of the catfish species you are keeping to ensure proper nutrition.
Additionally, catfish may be prone to parasitic infections, such as ich, which can cause visible white spots on the fish’s skin. Recognizing and treating these infections quickly can help prevent further damage to your catfish’s health.
In general, monitoring the water quality, observing your catfish’s physical appearance and behavior, and feeding a nutritious and balanced diet are essential steps in keeping your catfish healthy as a pet.
Q: What type of catfish can be kept as a pet?
A: Several species of catfish can be kept as pets, including plecos, pictus catfish, and corydoras catfish.
Q: What size aquarium should I get for my catfish?
A: The size of your catfish will determine the size of the aquarium you need. As a general rule, you should provide your fish with at least 1 gallon of water per inch of fish.
Q: What should I feed my catfish?
A: Catfish are omnivorous, and their diet can consist of a variety of plant and animal-based foods. Pellets, flakes, algae wafers, and live or frozen brine shrimp are excellent options. It’s also important to avoid overfeeding and to feed no more than what the fish can consume in three minutes.
Q: Do catfish require any special care or maintenance?
A: Catfish require a clean and well-maintained aquarium, suitable decoration, and proper nutrition just like any other pet fish. Regular water changes and tank cleaning, monitoring pH levels, and providing suitable hiding spots to the catfish are also necessary.